Infrastructure Strategy & Private Equity Transactions

- Private equity transactions and origination
- Leaders in PPP and major bid management
- Business turnarounds
- Mergers and Acquisition support
- Government Relations
- Corporate Governance
Trevor Robertson leads our Infrastructure Strategy & Private Equity business, with over 25 years experience working in the industrial and infrastructure markets as a Managing Director and senior executive in some of Australia’s best recognized infrastructure, integrated service and construction companies. As a corporate executive he held origination and leadership roles in the bidding for and delivery of a broad range of economic and social infrastructure projects. Projects include a number of Sydney’s major road projects, tram & rail franchises in Melbourne and the Gold Coast, construction of green and brown field rail, complex Defense projects and industrial projects covering the power, water and mining sectors.
Trevor has also held senior government position at the First Assistant Secretary level and Board appointments on both public and private Boards, including Yarra Trams, Sydney Ports Corporation Board, Sydney Pilots Service and Advisory Board to two leading Private Equity firms. This provides Capital Knowledge with a unique insight to provide advice on both the sell and buy side of transactions involving public and private assets. Trevor is recognized amongst his peers for his skills in successful business development, including facilitation of major project wins in excess of $5bn. Key to this success has been the identification of and establishment of winning strategies based on partnerships with leading companies in their field and a sophisticated understanding of the clients needs.
As an executive Trevor has led a number of turn a-rounds, including participating in two IPO’s and recognized for his leadership skills with a Prime Ministerial Award to the organization he led in the Australian Public Service.
Capital Knowledge approaches its assignments through a consultative conversation based approached. It has most recently worked as an advisor in the pre construction phase of two minerals related railways and the sale of both the Port of Newcastle and Port Kembla. Other assignments have included:
- A major strategic review of a leading engineering company
- Advice to engineering companies in relation to business development, bid strategy and mergers and acquisitions
- Leading preparation of unsolicited proposal to Government and Infrastructure Australia
- Review of Government Policy in relation to Transport
- Strategic Review of a Government Board
- M&A with a focus on industrial companies
Capital Knowledge’s industry sector experience includes:
- Defence
- Telecommunications
- Aviation maintenance and security
- Health
- Mining
- Law enforcement
- Transport – Rail, Road, Maritime & Aviation
- Public utilities including power and water
- Geographical experience includes:
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Asia
- United Kingdom
- Europe
For all Infrastructure, Strategy & Private Equity Transaction enquiries contact:
Trevor Robertson
+61 419 207 944